Whether your business is large or small, You'll benefit from Michael Sansolo's Business Rules! Some of the 52 rules are surprising: “Fail fast and fail cheap” (Rule 14) shows the power of failure. Others offer new insights:: “Focus on your best customers” (Rule 4) shows how Lady Gaga builds loyalty.
Read one rule a week—or all 52 at once! Business Rules! is your guide to success in business. The Perfect Companion Book
Retail Rules! 52 Ways to Achieve Retail Success
by Kevin Coupe, illustrated by Steve Hickner Kevin Coupe offers 52 rules to steer a retailer to success. With a liberal dose of examples from today’s business environment, Coupe gives advice on management, marketing, customers, and operations. Click here to read more. Also by Michael Sansolo
Our AuthorsJeofrey Bean
Kevin Coupe Debbi DiMaggio Don Gallegos Steve Hickner Harold C. Lloyd Jenny Land Mackenzie Doug Madenberg Brian Numainville Murray Raphel Michael Sansolo Sharing is caring